It was a joy to be this family's Soda Springs Idaho Newborn Photographer. They were my first new clients since moving to the area. They were so friendly and so great to talk to. Both big sisters were the sweetest little things and were eager to jump in when needed, smiles ready. They were both so great with their baby sister and I just love watching siblings love on their new baby.
Baby L was almost 3 weeks old for her session and the cutest little chunker, I mean look at those cheeks! She slept so well and barely made any noise except for milk.
One of the colors mom chose for baby's session was yellow and I was so ecstatic. Yellow is one of my favorite colors to use, it's so bright and cheery. I wish more parents requested it, even though I do occasionally sneak it in.
Here are moms choices from the session...

Are you looking for a Southeast Idaho Newborn Photographer? If you are needing a photographer for your sweet new baby I would love to create something perfect for you to remember this time. Please get in touch HERE for details and openings or email me at